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san francisco是一个地名,指的是美国加利福尼亚州的一个城市。在西班牙语中,san意为“圣”,francisco意为“弗朗西斯科”,因此可以翻译为“圣弗朗西斯科”。

san francisco [sæn frənˈsɪskoʊ]


用法:作为地名时,通常不需要加上冠词。:I'm going to San Francisco next week. (下周我要去旧金山。)

例句1:San Francisco is known for its beautiful scenery and diverse culture.(旧金山以其美丽的风景和多元文化而闻名。)

Sentence 1: San Francisco is known for its beautiful scenery and diverse culture.

例句2:Many people dream of living in San Francisco because of its vibrant atmosphere. (许多人梦想着生活在旧金山,因为它充满活力的氛围。)

Sentence 2: Many people dream of living in San Francisco because of its vibrant atmosphere.

例句3:San Francisco has a rich history and is home to many iconic landmarks.(旧金山有着丰富的历史,是许多标志性地标的所在地。)

Sentence 3: San Francisco has a rich history and is home to many iconic landmarks.

例句4:The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most famous attractions in San Francisco.(金门大桥是旧金山最著名的景点之一。)

Sentence 4: The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most famous attractions in San Francisco.

例句5:San Francisco is also known for its tech industry, with many major companies headquartered there.(旧金山也以其科技产业闻名,许多大型公司总部设在那里。)

Sentence 5: San Francisco is also known for its tech industry, with many major companies headquartered there.

同义词及用法:旧金山也可以用San Fran或SF来简称,但这些缩写通常只在非正式场合使用。



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