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sagging [ˈsæɡɪŋ]

1. 词义:下垂,下陷,松弛


2. 怎么读:[ˈsæɡɪŋ]

3. 用法:作为动词,指物体或部分向下弯曲或下垂;作为形容词,指松弛的,下垂的。

4. 例句:

1) The old sofa is sagging in the middle and needs to be replaced.(这张旧沙发中间已经下陷了,需要更换。)

2) The roof of the house is sagging due to years of neglect.(房子的屋顶因多年的忽视而下垂。)

3) She noticed her skin was starting to sag as she aged.(她注意到随着年龄增长,皮肤开始松弛。)

4) The weight of the heavy curtains caused them to sag on the curtain rod.(沉重的窗帘使它们在窗帘杆上下垂。)

5) The branches of the tree were sagging under the weight of the snow.(树枝在雪的重量下开始下垂。)

5. 同义词及用法:

- droop:指物体向下倾斜或弯曲。

- hang down:指物体向下悬挂或下垂。

- dangle:指物体悬挂在空中或向下摆动。

- slump:指物体突然下降或倒塌。

- loosen:指物体变得松弛或宽松。

6. 编辑总结:

Sagging是一个多义词,可以作为动词和形容词使用。作为动词时,通常指物体向下弯曲或下垂;作为形容词时,通常指松弛的,下垂的。它的同义词有droop、hang down、dangle、slump和loosen,但每个词都有自己的特定用法。在写作中,我们应该根据具体语境选择最合适的词语来表达“sagging”的意思。


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