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sadism [ˈseɪdɪzəm]


n. 虐待狂,施虐狂

[sadism] [ˈseɪdɪzəm]

n. the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.

Sadism is a term used to describe the desire to inflict pain or suffering on others for one's own pleasure. It is often associated with sexual sadism, which involves deriving sexual pleasure from causing physical or psychological pain to another person.

[ˈseɪdɪzəm] 是一个用来描述渴望为了自己的快乐而对他人造成痛苦或苦难的欲望。它通常与性虐待狂有关,这涉及从给别人造成身体或心理上的痛苦中获得性快感。


Sadism is a psychological disorder and should not be confused with BDSM (bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadomasochism), which involves consensual acts between adults.


Example Sentences:

1. The serial killer was known for his sadistic tendencies towards his victims.


2. She enjoyed watching horror movies because of her sadistic nature.


3. The dictator's sadism was evident in the brutal treatment of his own people.


4. The psychologist believed that the murderer's sadism stemmed from childhood trauma.


5. The sadism of the bullies was revealed when they tortured their classmate for fun.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Cruelty - the desire to cause pain or harm to others

- His cruelty towards animals was a sign of a disturbed mind.

- 她对动物的残忍表现出了心理不稳定的迹象。

2. Masochism - the tendency to derive pleasure from one's own pain or humiliation

- His masochistic tendencies led him to engage in risky behaviors.

- 他的受虐倾向导致他从事危险行为。

3. Psychopathy - a personality disorder characterized by antisocial behavior, lack of empathy, and manipulative tendencies

- The psychopathic killer showed no remorse for his actions.

- 这名变态的杀手对自己的行为毫无悔意。

Editor's Summary:

Sadism is a term used to describe the desire to inflict pain or suffering on others for one's own pleasure. It is a psychological disorder and should not be confused with consensual BDSM activities. It is often associated with sexual sadism, but can also manifest in other forms of cruelty towards others. Understanding and addressing the root causes of sadistic tendencies is important in preventing harm to oneself and others.


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