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responsibility [rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti] (n.):


1. 责任;责任感;义务 [uncountable] (the state of being responsible for something or someone; the feeling of having to deal with something important)

2. 责任;职责 [countable] (a duty or task that you are required or expected to do)

3. 责任心 [uncountable] (the quality of being reliable and trustworthy)

4. 责任;责备 [uncountable] (blame for something that has happened)



1. 作为不可数名词,responsibility指的是对某事物或某人负有责任的状态或感受。:It's your responsibility to make sure the project is completed on time.(确保项目按时完成是你的责任。)

2. 作为可数名词,responsibility指的是被要求或期望做的任务或职责。:As a doctor, it's my responsibility to take care of my patients' health.(作为一名医生,照顾病人的健康是我的职责。)

3. 在某些情况下,responsibility也可以指代一个人具有可靠和值得信赖的品质。:She has a strong sense of responsibility and always completes her work on time.(她具有强烈的责任感,总是能按时完成工作。)

4. 最后,responsibility也可以指责任和责备的含义。:The responsibility for the accident lies with the driver.(事故的责任在于司机。)


1. It's every citizen's responsibility to pay taxes.(每个公民都有缴纳税款的责任。)

2. As a parent, it's your responsibility to provide for your children's basic needs.(作为父母,你有义务为孩子提供基本的生活需求。)

3. The company has a social responsibility to reduce its carbon footprint.(公司有社会责任来减少其碳足迹。)

4. He takes his responsibilities as a team leader very seriously.(他非常认真地履行作为团队领导的职责。)

5. The government should take responsibility for addressing the issue of poverty in our society.(应该承担解决我们社会贫困问题的责任。)


1. duty (n.):指被要求或期望做的任务或职责,与responsibility意思相近,但更强调法律、道德或道义上的义务。

2. obligation (n.):指一种法律或道德上的约束力,常用来表示必须履行的职责。

3. accountability (n.):指对某件事情负有法律、道德或上的责任,通常用于表示或公司的责任。

4. liability (n.):指对某件事情负有法律上的责任,尤其是指应该赔偿损失的义务。

5. burden (n.):指沉重的责任或负担,常用来表示不情愿承担的责任。




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