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rate_of_exchange是什么意思_中文:汇率;英文:rate of exchange;音标:[reɪt əv ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ]


怎么读(音标):reɪt əv ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ


例句1:The rate of exchange between the US dollar and the euro has been fluctuating in recent months. (近几个月来,美元和欧元之间的汇率一直在波动。)

例句2:The company will need to consider the current rate of exchange when making international business transactions. (该公司在进行国际业务交易时需要考虑当前的汇率。)

例句3:The rate of exchange for Japanese yen to US dollars is currently at a historic high. (日元兑换美元的汇率目前处于历史高位。)

例句4:Tourists should be aware of the rate of exchange before traveling to a foreign country. (游客在前往外国旅行前应该了解当地的汇率情况。)

例句5:The government is taking measures to stabilize the rate of exchange in order to boost the economy. (正在采取措施稳定汇率,以促进经济发展。)

同义词及用法:exchange rate(汇率)是rate_of_exchange的同义词,两者可以互换使用。另外,还有currency exchange rate(货币兑换率)、foreign exchange rate(外汇汇率)等近义词。



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