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provide_future_prospects是一个英文短语,意为“提供未来前景”。它由三个单词组成,分别是provide(提供)、future(未来)和prospects(前景)。该短语的音标为 [prəˈvaɪd ˈfjuːtʃər ˈprɒspekt]。

怎么读(音标):[prəˈvaɪd ˈfjuːtʃər ˈprɒspekt]



例句1:The company's goal is to provide future prospects for its employees. (该公司的目标是为员工提供未来的发展前景。)

例句2:The university offers a wide range of courses to provide future prospects for its students. (该大学开设多种课程,为学生提供未来的发展前景。)

例句3:The government needs to create policies that can provide future prospects for the country's economy. (需要制定能够为经济提供未来发展前景的。)

例句4:Parents should encourage their children to study hard in order to provide future prospects for their careers. (家长应该鼓励孩子努力学习,为他们的职业生涯提供未来的发展前景。)

例句5:The organization aims to provide future prospects for underprivileged communities through education and training programs. (该组织旨在通过教育和培训项目为弱势社区提供未来的发展前景。)


1. Offer prospects for the future:提供未来的前景

2. Present future prospects:呈现未来的展望

3. Give a glimpse of the future:给予未来的一瞥

4. Provide a positive outlook for the future:为未来提供积极的展望

5. Offer potential opportunities for the future:为未来提供潜在机会


provide_future_prospects是一个常用于商业、教育、就业等领域的英文短语,意为“提供未来前景”。它强调提供积极的、有益的未来展望,可以用作动词短语。同义词包括offer prospects for the future、present future prospects等,都可以用于表达类似意思。使用时需要注意上下文,确保符合语境。


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