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prioritize [prɪˈɔːraɪˌtaɪz] 美 [praɪˈɔrəˌtaɪz]


英文:to give priority to; to arrange in order of importance

音标:[prɪˈɔːraɪˌtaɪz] 美 [praɪˈɔrəˌtaɪz]


怎么读(音标):pry-or-i-tize 美 pry-or-tize


例句1:We need to prioritize our tasks and focus on the most important ones first.(我们需要将任务排序,首先专注于最重要的任务。)

例句2:The company has decided to prioritize customer satisfaction above all else.(公司决定将客户满意度置于首位。)

例句3:As a teacher, it is important to prioritize the needs of your students.(作为一名教师,重视学生的需求是很重要的。)

例句4:In order to meet the deadline, we will have to prioritize our workload and focus on the most urgent tasks.(为了赶上截止日期,我们必须将工作量排序,并专注于最紧急的任务。)

例句5:The government needs to prioritize education in order to ensure a better future for the next generation.(需要将教育放在首位,以确保下一代有更好的未来。)

同义词及用法:prioritize的同义词包括:rank, order, arrange, sort, categorize等。:

1. We need to rank these tasks in order of importance.(我们需要按重要性顺序排列这些任务。)

2. The company has arranged the tasks according to their urgency.(公司根据紧急程度安排了任务。)

3. The manager sorted the projects into different categories based on their deadlines.(经理根据截止日期将项目分成不同的类别。)



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