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【怎么读】phosphorescent_luminescent_materials [fɒsfərəsnt luːmɪnɛsn̩t mə'tɪərɪəlz]


【例句】1. The phosphorescent_luminescent_materials used in this toy are non-toxic and safe for children to play with.(这款玩具中使用的磷光材料无毒且安全,适合儿童玩耍。)

2. The scientists are researching new ways to improve the efficiency of phosphorescent_luminescent_materials.(科学家们正在研究新的方法来提高磷光材料的效率。)

3. The phosphorescent_luminescent_materials on the walls made the room look magical at night.(墙上的磷光材料让房间在晚上看起来像是仙境一样。)

4. This watch is designed with phosphorescent_luminescent_materials, so you can easily read the time in the dark.(这款手表采用了磷光材料设计,因此你可以在黑暗中轻松读取时间。)

5. The company has invested a lot of money in developing new phosphorescent_luminescent_materials for their products.(该公司投入了大量资金研发新的磷光材料来用于他们的产品。)

【同义词及用法】phosphorescent_luminescent_materials的同义词包括:phosphorescent materials、luminous materials、glow-in-the-dark materials等。它们都指的是能够在光激发下产生长时间发光的材料,但具体成分和性能可能有所不同。



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