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Pastime is an activity that people engage in during their leisure time, usually for the purpose of entertainment or recreation. It can take various forms, such as sports, games, crafts, reading and so on. It is a way for people to relax, relieve stress and enjoy life.



用法:pastime通常作为名词使用,可以用来描述某个特定的活动或者一系列活动。它可以用作主语或宾语,也可以和介词to连用。:My favorite pastime is reading books.(我最喜欢的消遣方式是读书。)I often go hiking as a pastime.(我经常去徒步旅行作为消遣。)She introduced me to the pastime of knitting.(她向我介绍了编织针织品这一消遣方式。)


1. Playing board games has become a popular pastime during the pandemic.(在期间,玩桌游已经成为一种流行的消遣方式。)

2. He spends most of his weekends fishing as a pastime.(他把大部分周末都花在钓鱼这一消遣方式上。)

3. Gardening is a relaxing pastime that I enjoy in my free time.(园艺是我闲暇时喜欢的一种放松的消遣方式。)

4. My grandfather's favorite pastime is playing chess with his friends.(我祖父最喜欢的消遣方式是和朋友们下棋。)

5. Reading is not only a pastime for me, but also a way to expand my knowledge.(阅读不仅仅是我的一种消遣方式,也是扩展知识的途径。)

同义词及用法:pastime的同义词包括hobby、leisure activity、recreation等,它们都指人们在休闲时间从事的活动。但是,hobby更强调个人兴趣和爱好,leisure activity则更加广泛,可以包括旅游、聚会等各种形式的活动。



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