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parse 是什么意思_中英文、音标、





Parse is a verb that means to analyze or break down a sentence or text into its component parts in order to understand its meaning. It can also refer to the process of interpreting a computer program or code.

读音: [pɑːrs]

用法: Parse is often used in the context of language and programming, but it can also be used more broadly to describe the act of breaking down and understanding something complex.


1. The linguist spent hours trying to parse the ancient text, deciphering its meaning word by word.


2. The computer program was unable to parse the complex code, resulting in errors and crashes.


3. Can you help me parse this sentence? I'm having trouble understanding it.


4. The detective carefully parsed through the evidence, looking for any clues that could solve the case.


5. As a programmer, it's important to be able to parse through code quickly and efficiently.


同义词及用法: analyze, break down, dissect, interpret

编辑总结: Parse is a versatile verb that can be used to describe the act of breaking down and understanding complex information. It has a specific meaning in the context of language and programming, but can also be used more broadly. Its synonyms include analyze, break down, dissect, and interpret.


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