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发音:[ˈnəʊtɪs əv əˈbændənmənt]。


例句1:The notice of abandonment was filed by the defendant's lawyer in court.(被告的律师在法庭上提交了放弃通知书。)

例句2:The landlord sent a notice of abandonment to the tenant, stating that he had not paid the rent for three months.(房东向租客发送了一份放弃通知书,说明他已经三个月没有支付租金。)

例句3:The insurance company received a notice of abandonment from the policyholder, who decided to cancel his insurance policy.(保险公司收到了保单持有人的放弃通知书,他决定取消自己的保险。)

例句4:According to the notice of abandonment, the company will no longer be responsible for any damages caused by the product after it has been sold.(根据放弃通知书,在产品售出后公司将不再对任何损害负责。)

例句5:The court issued a notice of abandonment to the plaintiff, stating that his case had been dismissed due to lack of evidence.(向原告发出了一份放弃通知书,说明他的案件因缺乏证据而被驳回。)

同义词及用法:abandonment notice、notice of withdrawal、notice of renunciation等都可以用来表示“放弃通知书”,意思相同,只是表达方式不同。

编辑总结:notice_of_abandonment是一个法律术语,用来指明某人已经放弃了某项权利或责任。它的发音是[ˈnəʊtɪs əv əˈbændənmənt],在使用时需要注意其正式性和严肃性。同时,注意避免将其与其他类似表达混淆,以免造成误解。


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