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nisin is a natural antimicrobial peptide that can be used as a preservative in food. It is produced by the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria and has a strong antibacterial effect, effectively inhibiting the growth of various bacteria and fungi. It is a safe and effective natural preservative widely used in the food industry.






Nisin is mainly used as a food preservative. Adding an appropriate amount of nisin during food processing can prolong the shelf life of food without changing its taste and nutritional value. It can also be used in the medical field, with potential for treating skin infections and other diseases.


1. Nisin is a natural preservative that can effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi in food.(nisin是一种天然防腐剂,能够有效地抑制食品中细菌和真菌的生长。)

2. Adding nisin to food can extend its shelf life and ensure its safety for consumption.(在食品中添加nisin可以延长其保质期,并确保其安全食用。)

3. Nisin has been approved as a safe and effective food preservative by many countries and regions.(许多和地区已经批准nisin作为一种安全有效的食品防腐剂。)

4. Studies have shown that nisin has potential therapeutic effects on skin infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus.(研究表明,nisin对由金黄色葡萄球菌引起的皮肤感染具有潜在的治疗作用。)

5. The use of nisin in food production can reduce the need for chemical preservatives, contributing to a more natural and healthy diet.(在食品生产中使用nisin可以减少对化学防腐剂的需求,有助于更加自然健康的饮食。)


nisin也被称为乳酸杆菌抗菌肽,是一种天然抗菌物质。除了nisin外,还有其他一些天然抗菌肽也被用作食品防腐剂,如nisin Z和nisaplin。它们都具有类似的抗菌作用,并且可以相互替代使用。

Nisin is also known as lacticin, a natural antimicrobial substance. In addition to nisin, there are other natural antimicrobial peptides used as food preservatives, such as nisin Z and nisaplin. They all have similar antibacterial effects and can be used interchangeably.




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