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new_scientist [njuː ˈsaɪəntɪst] 是什么意思


怎么读(音标):[njuː ˈsaɪəntɪst]


例句1:As a new scientist, I am always excited to explore the unknown world. (作为一名新科学家,我总是对探索未知世界充满激情。)

例句2:The new issue of New Scientist magazine covers the latest breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. (《新科学家》杂志最新一期报道了人工智能领域的最新突破。)

例句3:New scientists are constantly pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. (新科学家们不断地拓展人类知识的。)

例句4:She is a renowned new scientist in the field of nanotechnology. (她是纳米技术领域著名的新科学家。)

例句5:The conference will bring together new scientists from around the world to discuss cutting-edge research. (这次将汇聚来自世界各地顶尖的新科学家,讨论前沿研究。)

同义词及用法:emerging scientist, up-and-coming scientist, young scientist

编辑总结:new_scientist指的是一种从事新兴科学领域研究的科学家,也可以指一本以新兴科学为主题的杂志。作为一个名词,它可以用来描述个人或者杂志,表示他们专注于探索和发展最新的科学知识。同义词有emerging scientist、up-and-coming scientist和young scientist,它们都强调了这些科学家在自己领域的新颖性和前瞻性。


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