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miss_fire是一个英文单词,意思是“错过火焰”,中文翻译为“错过机会”。它的音标为/mɪs faɪər/,读音为“米斯·法伊尔”。



例句1:She was so busy with work that she missed the chance to attend her best friend's wedding.(她工作太忙了,以至于错过了参加她最好的朋友的婚礼的机会。)

例句2:I regret not studying harder in high school. I feel like I missed the fire of my youth.(我后悔高中没有更加努力学习。我觉得自己错过了青春的火焰。)

例句3:He missed the fire of his life when he chose to give up his dream and settle for a stable job.(当他选择放弃梦想并安定下来做一份稳定的工作时,他就错过了生命中最重要的东西。)

例句4:The company's failure to adapt to changing market trends caused them to miss the fire and lose their competitive edge.(公司未能适应市场变化趋势,导致他们错过了火焰,失去了竞争优势。)

例句5:Don't miss the fire of opportunity when it comes knocking on your door.(当机会敲响你的门时,不要错过它的火焰。)

同义词及用法方面,miss_fire可以替换为miss the boat、let slip、pass up等词语。:She let slip the chance to study abroad and now regrets it.(她错过了出国留学的机会,现在后悔了。)Passing up this job offer was a big mistake.(放弃这份工作的机会是一个大错误。)



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