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measure是一个英语单词,意思是“测量”,也可以表示“措施”、“方法”、“程度”等含义。它的中文音标为 [ˈmɛʒə],英文音标为 [ˈmɛʒər]。


measure的中文音标为 [ˈmɛʒə],英文音标为 [ˈmɛʒər]。



1. 作为动词,measure表示“测量”,常用于科学、工程、医学等领域。:

- We need to measure the temperature of the water.(我们需要测量水的温度。)

- The doctor measured my blood pressure.(医生给我量了血压。)

2. 作为名词,measure可以表示“措施”、“方法”、“程度”等含义。:

- We need to take measures to protect the environment.(我们需要采取措施保护环境。)

- This is just a temporary measure.(这只是一个暂时的措施。)

- The success of a company cannot be measured solely by its profits.(一家公司的成功不能仅仅用利润来衡量。)

3. measure还可以表示“尺寸”、“大小”。:

- What are the exact measurements of this room?(这个房间的确切尺寸是多少?)

- The length of this table measures 1 meter.(这张桌子的长度为1米。)

4. 在数学中,measure可以表示“测度”、“度量”。:

- The measure of an angle is expressed in degrees.(一个角的测度用度来表示。)

- The area of a square can be measured by multiplying the length and width.(一个正方形的面积可以通过长度和宽度相乘来测量。)


1. The government has taken measures to reduce air pollution.(已经采取措施来减少空气污染。)

2. We need to measure the distance between these two cities.(我们需要测量这两个城市之间的距离。)

3. The success of a project can be measured by its impact on society.(一个项目的成功可以通过它对社会的影响来衡量。)

4. This ruler measures in both inches and centimeters.(这把尺子可以同时测量英寸和厘米。)

5. The temperature here measures around 25 degrees Celsius.(这里的温度大约是摄氏25度。)


1. gauge:作动词时,意为“测量”、“估计”,作名词时,意为“标准”、“规格”。:

- Can you gauge the size of this room?(你能估计出这个房间的大小吗?)

- This company has strict gauges for quality control.(这家公司有严格的质量标准。)

2. assess:意为“评估”、“估计”。:

- The teacher assessed the students' progress.(老师评估了学生的进步。)

- We need to assess the damage caused by the hurricane.(我们需要评估飓风造成的损失。)

3. quantify:意为“量化”、“确定数量”。:

- It's difficult to quantify the benefits of this project.(很难量化这个项目的好处。)

- We need to quantify the amount of water used for irrigation.(我们需要确定灌溉用水的数量。)

4. extent:作名词时,意为“程度”、“范围”。:

- The extent of her injuries is still unknown.(她的伤势程度还不清楚。)

- The extent of deforestation in this area is alarming.(这个地区森林砍伐的程度令人担忧。)




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