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make_progress [meɪk ˈprəʊgres] (v.):取得进展;有所进步;取得成就


[meɪk ˈprəʊgres]


1. make progress 是一个动词短语,表示“取得进展”、“有所进步”、“取得成就”。

2. make progress 可以用于描述个人的发展、学习或工作情况,也可以用于描述团体、组织或社会的发展状况。

3. make progress 后面通常跟随介词 in 或 towards,表示在某个方面取得进展或向某个目标前进。


1. She has been working hard and finally made some progress in her studies. 她一直很努力,最终在学业上取得了一些进步。

2. The company has made great progress in the past few years and become a leader in the industry. 过去几年里,这家公司取得了巨大的进步,成为了行业的领导者。

3. We are making good progress in our project and hope to finish it on time. 我们在项目上取得了良好的进展,希望能按时完成。

4. The government is making progress towards achieving its goal of reducing carbon emissions by 50%. 在朝着实现减少50%碳排放的目标方向取得进展。

5. He needs to make more progress in his communication skills if he wants to succeed in this job. 如果他想在这份工作中取得成功,他需要在沟通技巧方面有更大的进步。


1. advance (v.):前进;进步;促进

例句:We need to advance our technology to keep up with the changing market demands. 我们需要提升我们的技术,以跟上不断变化的市场需求。

2. improve (v.):改善;提高;增进

例句:She has been taking extra classes to improve her English skills. 她一直在上额外的课程来提高她的英语能力。

3. develop (v.):发展;成长;开发

例句:The company is constantly developing new products to meet the needs of its customers. 这家公司一直在开发新产品来满足客户的需求。

4. grow (v.):成长;增长;发展

例句:The economy of this country has been growing steadily in the past few years. 这个的经济近年来一直稳步增长。


make_progress是一个常用于描述个人、团体或社会发展状况的动词短语,意为“取得进展”、“有所进步”、“取得成就”。它可以用于各种场合,表示在某个方面取得进展或向某个目标前进。除了make progress外,还有advance、improve、develop和grow等同义词可以替换使用。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择最合适的词汇来表达“取得进展”的意思。


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