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live_broadcast是什么意思,中文是直播,英文是Live Broadcast。

怎么读(音标):lɪv ˈbrɔːdkæst



1. The live broadcast of the concert attracted millions of viewers from all over the world. (这场音乐会的直播吸引了来自世界各地的数百万观众。)


2. The news channel will live broadcast the press conference of the president tomorrow. (新闻频道将会在明天直播的记者招待会。)

3. Many people prefer to watch live broadcasts of sports events rather than recorded ones. (许多人更喜欢观看体育赛事的直播而不是录像。)

4. You can join the live broadcast by clicking on the link we shared in our social media accounts. (你可以通过点击我们在社交媒体账号上分享的链接来参加直播。)

5. The company announced that it will live broadcast the launch event of its new product next week. (公司宣布下周将会直播其新产品的发布会。)

同义词及用法:live streaming、webcast、webcasting、streaming video都可以与live broadcast互换使用,表示通过网络实时传输音频或视频内容的活动。

编辑总结:live_broadcast是一个常用的词汇,它指通过网络或电视等媒体实时传输音频或视频内容的活动。它可以作为名词或动词使用,常用的同义词有live streaming、webcast、webcasting和streaming video。在日常生活中,我们经常会使用到live broadcast来观看体育赛事、新闻、音乐会等各种直播内容。


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