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- listen是动词,意为“听”,“倾听”,“聆听”。

- listen的名词形式为listener,表示“听众”,“收听者”。


- listen的音标为[ˈlɪsən]。


- listen的音标为[ˈlɪsən],读作“li-suh-n”。


1. listen作为动词时,可用于以下几种情况:

- 表示主动地倾听或聆听某人或某物。:

- I like to listen to music when I'm feeling stressed. (当我感到压力时,我喜欢听音乐。)

- She listened carefully to what her teacher said. (她认真地倾听了老师说的话。)

- 表示被动地接收声音或信息。:

- The baby was listening intently to his mother's voice. (婴儿专注地倾听着他母亲的声音。)

- Can you hear me? Are you listening? (你能听见我吗?你在倾听吗?)

- 表示遵从或服从某人或某事物。:

- You should always listen to your parents' advice. (你应该总是听从父母的建议。)

- The students were asked to listen carefully to the instructions before starting the exam. (学生们被要求在开始考试前仔细听取指导。)

- 表示接受或接纳某种观点或建议。:

- I think we should listen to what she has to say before making a decision. (我认为在做决定之前我们应该听取她的意见。)

- The government needs to listen to the demands of the people. (需要倾听人民的要求。)

2. listen作为名词时,常用于以下情况:

- 表示收听或聆听某种声音或信息的行为。:

- The listeners were captivated by the singer's beautiful voice. (听众们被歌手优美的声音吸引住了。)

- The radio show has a large number of listeners. (这个广播节目有大量的收听者。)

- 表示某人或某物具有良好的倾听能力。:

- She is a good listener and always gives great advice. (她是一个很好的倾听者,总是给出很好的建议。)

- This device is designed for people who have difficulty with their listening skills. (这个设备是专门为那些倾听能力不佳的人设计的。)


1. I love to listen to the sound of rain falling on the roof.


2. The teacher asked the students to listen carefully to the instructions before starting the test.


3. Can you listen to me for a moment? I have something important to tell you.


4. The concert was sold out, with thousands of listeners eagerly waiting for the performance.


5. It's important to be a good listener in order to understand others and build strong relationships.



- hear:意为“听到”,强调接收声音或信息。

- listen to:意为“倾听”,强调主动地聆听。

- pay attention to:意为“注意”,强调关注或留心某事物。

- heed:意为“注意”,强调遵从或服从某人或某事物。


总的来说,listen是一个常用的动词,表示主动或被动地聆听、接受、遵从或接纳某种声音、信息、观点或建议。作为名词时,表示收听或聆听的行为,也可指具有良好的倾听能力的人或物。使用时需要注意区分其他近义词,如hear、listen to、pay attention to和heed。


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