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lgw是什么意思:lgw是一个缩写,“Lunar Gateway”,意为“月球门户”。

中英文:Lunar Gateway

音标:/ˈluːnər ˈɡeɪtweɪ/

怎么读(音标):/lu-nar geit-wei/




1. NASA plans to build a Lunar Gateway as a stepping stone for future human missions to the Moon and beyond.(美国宇航局计划建造一座月球门户,作为未来人类登月和探索深空的跳板。)

2. The Lunar Gateway will consist of a small habitat module, a docking port for spacecraft, and solar panels for power generation.(月球门户将由一个小型生活模块、一个宇宙飞船对接端口和太阳能电池板组成,用于发电。)

3. Astronauts will use the Lunar Gateway to conduct scientific research, test new technologies, and prepare for future missions to Mars.(宇航员将使用月球门户进行科学研究、测试新技术,并为未来登陆火星的任务做准备。)

4. The construction of the Lunar Gateway is scheduled to begin in 2022, with the first components being launched by NASA's Space Launch System rocket.(月球门户的建设计划于2022年开始,首批组件将由美国宇航局的太空发射火箭发射。)

5. The Lunar Gateway will serve as a crucial outpost for human exploration and eventual settlement of the Moon.(月球门户将作为人类探索和最终定居月球的关键前哨站。)

同义词及用法:Moon Gateway、Gateway、Lunar Outpost

编辑总结:lgw是一个缩写,“Lunar Gateway”,意为“月球门户”。它是美国宇航局计划建造的一个月球轨道空间站,将作为人类探索月球和深空的重要基地。其音标为/ˈluːnər ˈɡeɪtweɪ/,读作/lu-nar geit-wei/。lgw也可用Moon Gateway、Gateway或Lunar Outpost来表示。


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