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英文翻译:The saying "Nothing is more sorrowful than a dead heart" is a famous quote from the book The Analects. It means that the most heartbreaking thing for people is the death of their soul, because once the soul dies, there is no way to return to life.

音标:ldquo_人说:哀莫大于心死。 [āi mò dà yú xīn sǐ]

怎么读(音标):āi mò dà yú xīn sǐ



1. 她听到自己最爱的人要离开她时,感觉就像是心灵死亡一样,哀莫大于心死。

She felt like her soul died when she heard that her loved one was leaving, nothing is more sorrowful than a dead heart.

2. 在这个冷漠的社会,很多人都已经心灵死亡了,他们已经不再关心别人的痛苦。

In this cold society, many people have already experienced the death of their soul, they no longer care about other people's suffering.

3. 哀莫大于心死,这句话让我深深地感受到生活的无常和脆弱。

Nothing is more sorrowful than a dead heart, this saying makes me deeply feel the impermanence and fragility of life.

4. 当他得知自己的孩子不幸去世时,他的心灵死亡了,从此再也无法振作起来。

When he learned that his child had tragically passed away, his soul died and he could never recover from it.

5. 她曾经是一个充满活力和热情的人,但是经历了一场悲伤的失恋后,她变得消极而麻木,哀莫大于心死。

She used to be a vibrant and passionate person, but after experiencing a heartbreaking breakup, she became negative and numb, nothing is more sorrowful than a dead heart.


1. 心如死灰(dead as ashes):形容内心极度消沉和绝望。

2. 心如止水(calm as still water):形容内心平静和冷漠。

3. 心如铁石(hard as iron and stone):形容内心坚强和不动摇。

4. 心如死水(dead as stagnant water):形容内心极度冷漠和无生气。

5. 心如止境(as if at a dead end):形容内心已经到达极限,无法再继续前进。



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