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keep [kiːp]

英 [kiːp]

中文 [kɪ:p]


1. 保持;继续;保留

2. 照顾;照料

3. 收藏;保存

4. 维持;保全

5. 遵守;遵循




1. 保持:指继续保持某种状态或情况,不改变或不停止。:

- You need to keep your room clean. (你需要保持你的房间干净。)

- Keep quiet in the library. (在图书馆要保持安静。)

- She kept her promise to help me. (她一直遵守她帮助我的承诺。)

2. 照顾:指负责照料、看护或管理某人或某物。:

- I need someone to keep an eye on the children while I'm out. (我需要有人在我外出时照看孩子们。)

- The nurse kept a close watch on the patient's condition. (护士密切关注病人的情况。)

- The gardener keeps the plants watered and fertilized regularly. (园丁定期给植物浇水和施肥。)

3. 收藏:指将某物保存起来以备将来使用或观赏。:

- She keeps all his letters in a box. (她把他所有的信都保存在一个盒子里。)

- They keep a scrapbook of their travels. (他们保存着一本旅行的剪贴簿。)

- He keeps his collection of stamps in a special album. (他把他的邮票收藏在一个特别的相册里。)

4. 维持:指保持某种状态或情况以防止变化或损害。:

- Exercise can help you keep fit. (锻炼可以帮助你保持健康。)

- The company is struggling to keep its profits up. (公司正在努力维持其利润水平。)

- We need to keep the fire burning all night to stay warm. (为了保暖,我们需要整夜保持火焰。

5. 遵守:指按照规定、法律或约定去做某事。:

- You must keep the speed limit on this road. (你必须遵守这条路上的限速标准。)

- He always keeps his promises no matter what happens. (无论发生什么,他总是遵守自己的承诺。)

- We should all keep the rules and regulations of the company in mind. (我们都应该牢记公司的规章制度。)


1. You need to keep your room clean.


2. I need someone to keep an eye on the children while I'm out.


3. She keeps all his letters in a box.


4. Exercise can help you keep fit.


5. You must keep the speed limit on this road.



1. maintain:指继续保持某种状态或情况,强调经过努力或坚持不懈地做某事来达到目的。

- He maintained his innocence throughout the trial. (他在整个审判过程中坚持自己的清白。)

- It's important to maintain good relationships with your colleagues. (与同事保持良好关系很重要。)

- The company is struggling to maintain its market share. (公司正在努力维持其市场份额。)

2. preserve:指保护、保存某物以防止损坏或消失。

- The museum preserves many valuable artifacts from ancient times. (博物馆保存着许多古代珍贵的文物。)

- We need to preserve our environment for future generations. (我们需要为后代保护我们的环境。)

- He managed to preserve his dignity even in the face of defeat. (即使面对失败,他也成功地保持了自己的尊严。)

3. obey:指服从、遵从某人或某物的命令、规定或法律。

- Children should learn to obey their parents. (孩子们应该学会听从父母的话。)

- We must all obey the laws of the country we live in. (我们都必须遵守所居住的法律。)

- The soldiers swore to obey their commander's orders. (士们发誓要服从指挥官的命令。)

4. retain:指保留、保持某物在原有状态或位置。

- He managed to retain his lead until the end of the race. (他一直保持领先,直到比赛结束。)

- The company is trying to retain its customers by offering better services. (公司正在通过提供更好的服务来留住客户。)

- She retained her composure even in the face of criticism. (即使面对批评,她也保持着镇定。)

5. follow:指遵循、按照某种方式去做某事。

- You should always follow your dreams and never give up. (你应该始终追随你的梦想,永不放弃。)

- It's important to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly for a better lifestyle. (为了更健康的生活方式,遵循健康饮食和定期锻炼很重要。)

- Please follow the instructions carefully to avoid any accidents. (请仔细遵循说明以避免任何意外事故。)




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