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item [ˈaɪtəm]

n. 项目;条款;一件事物;物品





1. item作为名词,表示“项目”、“条款”、“一件事物”或“物品”,常用于商务或科技领域。:

- The company's annual report includes a list of all the items they have sold this year.(公司的年度报告包含了他们今年卖出的所有物品的清单。)

- The contract has been revised to include a new item regarding intellectual property rights.(合同已经修订,增加了关于知识产权的新条款。)

2. 在餐厅中,item也可以指“菜肴”或“菜单中的一项”。:

- I'll have the steak and salad, but I'm not sure about the third item on the menu.(我要牛排和沙拉,但是我不确定菜单上第三项是什么。)

3. item还可以表示“新闻报道”或“新闻节目”。:

- This item was just reported on the evening news.(这条新闻刚刚在晚间新闻中报道过。)

4. 在计算机领域,item可以指“数据项”或“记录项”。:

- Each item in the database contains information about a specific product.(数据库中的每一项都包含有关特定产品的信息。)

5. 在英国英语中,item也可以作为动词使用,表示“结账”或“付款”。:

- We'll just finish our drinks and then we can item at the bar.(我们喝完酒就可以在吧台结账。)


1. object:作为名词,表示“物体”、“对象”,与item有相似的意思。:

- The police found several suspicious objects in his bag.(在他的包里了几个可疑物体。)

- The main object of this project is to improve customer satisfaction.(这个项目的主要目标是提高顾客满意度。)

2. article:作为名词,表示“物品”或“文章”,与item有相似的意思。:

- I need to buy some articles for my new apartment.(我需要为我的新公寓买一些物品。)

- She has written an interesting article about her travels in Europe.(她写了一篇关于她在欧洲旅行的有趣文章。)

3. entry:作为名词,表示“条目”、“进入”或“参赛选手”,与item有相似的意思。:

- Please make sure you fill out all the required entries on the form.(请确保你在表格上填写所有必填项。)

- The entry fee for the competition is $20.(参赛费用为20美元。)

4. unit:作为名词,表示“单位”、“部件”或“单元”,与item有相似的意思。:

- The company produces various electronic units for different purposes.(该公司生产各种用途的电子部件。)

- Each unit of the apartment complex has its own balcony.(公寓楼每个单元都有自己的阳台。)

5. point:作为名词,表示“要点”、“观点”或“得分”,与item有相似的意思。:

- The main point of his argument is that we should focus on sustainability.(他的论点主要是我们应该关注可持续性。)

- She scored the winning point in the basketball game.(她在篮球比赛中得了最后一分,带领球队获胜。)




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