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in_pair_with是什么意思_英文:in pair with

in_pair_with的音标:[ɪn pɛr wɪð]



例句1:The socks in the drawer are all in pairs, so you can easily find a matching pair. (抽屉里的袜子都是成对的,所以你可以轻松找到一双匹配的袜子。)

例句2:The twins always dress in pair with each other, they like to wear the same clothes. (这对双胞胎总是穿着成对,他们喜欢穿同样的衣服。)

例句3:The wine and cheese are a perfect in pair with each other, they complement each other's taste. (这款葡萄酒和奶酪是完美的搭配,它们互相补充味道。)

例句4:The new shoes I bought are not in pair with any of my outfits, I need to buy some new clothes to match them. (我买的新鞋子和我的任何一套衣服都不搭配,我需要买些新衣服来搭配它们。)

例句5:The couple always goes to the gym in pair with each other, they motivate each other to stay healthy. (这对夫妻总是一起去健身房,他们相互激励保持健康。)

同义词及用法:in_pair_with的同义词包括in tandem with、in combination with、alongside等,它们都表示两者之间的配合或者合作关系。:They work in tandem with each other to complete the project. (他们相互配合完成这个项目。)

编辑总结:in_pair_with是一个常用的短语,用来描述两个物品或者人之间的配合关系。它可以用于形容情侣、夫妻、双胞胎等关系,也可以用于描述物品之间的搭配。同义词有in tandem with、in combination with、alongside等,可以根据具体语境选择使用。


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