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音标:[ɪnˈsted əv]



1. 作为介词使用,表示“替代,取代”的意思。


- You should eat more fruits instead of junk food.(你应该多吃水果,而不是垃圾食品。)

- Instead of going to the party, I decided to stay at home and watch a movie.(我决定不去参加派对了,而是待在家里看电影。)

2. 作为副词使用,表示“反而,与此相反”的意思。

- He didn't apologize, instead he made excuses for his behavior.(他没有道歉,相反还找借口解释他的行为。)

- Instead of getting better, her condition seems to be getting worse.(与此相反的是,她的病情似乎越来越严重了。)

3. 作为连词使用,表示“相比之下”的意思。

- He is not very good at math, instead he excels in English.(他数学不太好,但英语却很出色。)

- She didn't buy a new dress, instead she chose to wear her old one.(她没有买新裙子,相反她选择穿了旧的。)


1. Instead of going to the gym, I prefer to exercise at home.(我不去健身房,我更喜欢在家里锻炼。)

2. Instead of complaining, why don't you try to find a solution?(与其抱怨,为什么不试着找到解决办法呢?)

3. She chose to study abroad instead of staying in her hometown.(她选择出国留学,而不是留在家乡。)

4. Instead of buying a new car, he decided to save money and buy a house.(他决定节约钱来买房子,而不是买新车。)

5. He didn't answer my question, instead he changed the ic.(他没有回答我的问题,相反他改变了话题。)


1. rather than:作为介词使用,意思与instead_of相同。:I prefer tea rather than coffee.(与其说喜欢咖啡,我更愿意喝茶。)

2. in place of:作为介词使用,意思也与instead_of相同。:She chose to stay in place of her sister who was sick.(她代替生病的姐姐留下来了。)

3. as an alternative to:作为介词使用,意思为“作为…的替代品”。:You can use honey as an alternative to sugar in this recipe.(你可以用蜂蜜作为这个食谱中糖的替代品。)

4. rather:作为副词使用,意思为“相反地,反而”。:He didn't go to the party, rather he stayed at home.(他没有去参加派对,相反他待在家里。)

5. on the other hand:作为连词使用,意思为“另一方面”。:She is very hardworking, on the other hand her brother is quite lazy.(她很勤奋,另一方面她的哥哥却很懒惰。)




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