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Instant coffee is a convenient and quick way to make coffee. It is usually made by mixing coffee bean powder with hot water and can provide a cup of rich and aromatic coffee in just a few seconds. This high-caffeine drink has gained popularity among many people, especially those who need a quick energy boost.



/inˈstənt ˈkɔfi/


Instant coffee可以直接冲泡,也可以加入热水或牛奶中调制成拿铁、卡布奇诺等其他类型的咖啡。它也可以作为食品添加剂用于制作各种甜点和饮品。

Instant coffee can be prepared by simply adding hot water, or it can be used as an ingredient to make other types of coffee such as latte or cappuccino. It can also be used as a food additive in the production of various desserts and beverages.


1. I don't have time to brew a cup of coffee, so I'll just make some instant coffee instead.(我没有时间冲泡一杯咖啡,所以我会直接做即溶咖啡。)

2. Instant coffee is a lifesaver for me when I need to stay up late studying.(当我需要熬夜学习时,即溶咖啡是我的救命稻草。)

3. My mom always adds a spoonful of instant coffee to her chocolate cake batter for an extra kick of flavor.(我妈妈总是在巧克力蛋糕面糊中加入一勺即溶咖啡,增添额外的味道。)

4. My friend prefers instant coffee over freshly brewed because it's more convenient and faster.(我的朋友喜欢即溶咖啡胜过新鲜冲泡的,因为它更方便快捷。)

5. When traveling, I always bring a few packets of instant coffee with me, just in case I can't find a good café.(旅行时,我总是带上几包即溶咖啡,以防找不到好的咖啡馆。)


1. Instant java:java也是指咖啡的俗称,因此instant java可以作为instant coffee的同义词。

2. Soluble coffee:soluble意为“可溶解的”,因此soluble coffee也可以用来指即溶咖啡。

3. Powdered coffee:powdered意为“粉末状的”,因此powdered coffee也可以用来指即溶咖啡。


即溶咖啡是一种方便快捷的咖啡制作方式,受到了许多人的喜爱。它可以直接冲泡,也可以加入其他食物中使用。在生活中,我们可以随时享用到这种高含量的饮料,提神醒脑。同时,它也是旅行时的好伴侣。除了以上提到的同义词,还有其他一些类似的称呼如instant brew、coffee crystals等。无论是哪种称呼,在我们日常生活中都可以轻松地找到这种方便快捷的咖啡产品。


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