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1. 作为动词,ing可以指“主办(活动)”、“托管(网站)”或者“提供住宿(客人)”。:

- The company is ing a conference next week. (公司将在下周举办一次。)

- We are ing our website on a dedicated server. (我们的网站是托管在一台专用服务器上的。)

- My friend is ing me for the weekend. (我的朋友将在周末为我提供住宿。)

2. 作为名词,ing可以指“主办权”、“托管服务”或者“住宿服务”。:

- The ing of the event was handed over to a new company. (这次活动的主办权已移交给了一家新公司。)

- We offer reliable and affordable ing for small businesses. (我们为小型企业提供可靠且实惠的托管服务。)

- The hotel provides excellent ing services for its guests. (这家酒店为客人提供优质的住宿服务。)


1. The company's website is currently being ed by a third-party provider. (公司的网站目前由第三方提供商托管。)

2. We are looking for a reliable ing service for our e-commerce website. (我们正在寻找一个可靠的托管服务来运营我们的电子商务网站。)

3. The school is ing a charity event to raise funds for the local orphanage. (学校将主办一场慈善活动,为当地的孤儿院筹集资金。)

4. The ing company offers different packages to suit the needs of different clients. (这家托管公司提供不同的套餐,以满足不同客户的需求。)

5. The hotel provides free ing services for guests who book directly through their website. (这家酒店为通过它们的网站直接预订的客人提供免费住宿服务。)


1. Host:作为动词时,可以指“主办”或者“招待”。作为名词时,可以指“主人”、“主持人”或者“东道主”。

- The company will a charity gala next month. (公司将在下个月举办一场慈善晚会。)

- She ed a dinner party for her colleagues last night. (昨晚她为她的同事举办了一场晚宴。)

- The welcomed us warmly and showed us around the house. (东道主热情地欢迎我们,并带我们参观了房子。)

2. Manage:作为动词时,可以指“管理”、“经营”或者“处理”。作为名词时,可以指“管理者”或者“经理人”。

- The company manages several hotels in this area. (这家公司在这个地区经营着几家酒店。)

- He is the manager of a popular restaurant in the city. (他是这座城市一家知名餐厅的经理人。)

3. Accommodate:作为动词时,可以指“容纳”、“适应”或者“迁就”。作为名词时,可以指“住宿设施”。

- The hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests at a time. (这家酒店一次最多能容纳200位客人。)

- The company is willing to accommodate your needs and make necessary changes. (公司愿意迁就你的需求并做出必要的改变。)




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