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high_performance_environment [hai pərˈfɔrməns ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt] 高性能环境


怎么读:[hai pərˈfɔrməns ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]


例句1:The company provides a high performance environment for its employees, with state-of-the-art technology and a supportive work culture. (这家公司为员工提供高性能的工作环境,拥有先进的技术和支持性的工作文化。)

例句2:Athletes need a high performance environment to achieve their best results. (运动员需要一个高性能的环境来取得最佳成绩。)

例句3:This university is known for its high performance environment, which has produced many successful graduates. (这所大学以其高性能的学习环境而闻名,已经培养出许多成功的毕业生。)

例句4:In order to create a high performance environment, the company invested in -notch equipment and training programs for its employees. (为了打造一个高性能的工作环境,公司投资了一流的设备和培训计划给员工。)

例句5:The high performance environment of the research lab allowed the scientists to make groundbreaking discoveries. (研究实验室的高性能环境使科学家们能够做出突破性的。)

同义词及用法:high_performance_environment的同义词包括highly efficient environment、highly productive environment、highly effective environment等,它们都可以用来形容具有高性能的环境。



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