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HBSC是什么意思:HBSC是Health Behaviour in School-aged Children的缩写,意为“学龄儿童健康行为调查”。



音标:/ˌeɪtʃ biː es siː/

怎么读(音标):/ˌeɪtʃ biː es siː/ 或 /heɪtʃ biː es siː/


例句1:The results of the HBSC survey showed that children's screen time has increased significantly in recent years.(HBSC调查结果显示,近年来儿童的电子设备使用时间显著增加。)

例句2:According to the latest HBSC report, the prevalence of smoking among teenagers has decreased compared to previous years.(根据最新的HBSC报告,青少年吸烟率与前几年相比有所下降。)

例句3:The HBSC study is conducted every four years in over 40 countries and regions worldwide.(每四年一次的HBSC研究在全球40多个和地区进行。)

例句4:The government has implemented policies based on the findings of the HBSC survey to promote healthy behaviors among school-aged children.(根据HBSC调查结果制定,促进学龄儿童的健康行为。)

例句5:As a parent, I always pay attention to the results of the HBSC survey to understand my child's health behaviors.(作为家长,我总是关注HBSC调查结果,以了解我的孩子的健康行为。)

同义词及用法:HBSC的同义词包括Health Behavior in School-aged Children Survey、International Health Behavior in School-aged Children Survey等。它们都可以用来指代同一项针对学龄儿童的健康行为调查。



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