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怎么读(音标):[hæŋ aʊt]

用法:hang_out作为动词时,常与介词at一起使用,表示在某个地方闲逛或者消磨时间。:We often hang out at the park on weekends. (我们经常在周末去公园闲逛) 作为名词时,通常指的是一群人聚在一起玩耍或者聊天。:We had a great hang out with our friends last night. (昨晚我们和朋友一起玩得很开心)


1. We decided to hang out at the beach for the whole day. (我们决定整天都在海滩上闲逛)


2. Let's hang out at the mall this afternoon. (今天下午我们去商场逛逛吧)

3. They often hang out in the coffee shop after work. (下班后他们经常在咖啡店里聚会)

4. I don't have any plans for tonight, maybe I'll just hang out with my sister. (我今晚没有计划,也许我只是和姐姐一起闲逛)

5. We used to hang out at the park when we were kids. (我们小时候常常在公园里玩耍)


1. Chill: 指的是休息、放松或者闲逛的意思。:Let's just chill at home tonight. (今晚我们就在家放松吧)

2. Hang around: 指的是在某个地方闲逛或者徘徊。:I saw him hanging around the school gate this morning. (今天早上我看到他在学校门口徘徊)

3. Linger: 指的是停留或者逗留的意思。:She likes to linger in the bookstore for hours. (她喜欢在书店里逗留几个小时)

4. Loiter: 指的是无所事事或者游荡的意思。:The police warned the teenagers not to loiter in the park after dark. (告青少年不要在天黑后游荡公园)

5. Kill time: 指的是消磨时间,特别是无聊时。:I usually kill time by watching TV or playing games on my phone when I'm waiting for someone. (当我等人时,通常会通过看电视或者玩手机游戏来消磨时间)

编辑总结:hang_out是一个常用的词汇,它可以用作动词也可以用作名词,指的是在某个地方闲逛或者消磨时间。它的同义词有chill、hang around、linger、loiter和kill time等。使用时要注意搭配介词,hang out at the park,chill at home等。同时也可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来表达相同的意思。


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