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go_forth是什么意思,中文意思是前进、继续前进、向前走;英文意思是to continue or make progress with a course of action.


怎么读(音标):/ɡəʊ fɔːθ/



1. He encouraged his team to go forth and conquer the challenges ahead. 他鼓励他的团队继续前进,征服面前的挑战。

2. The soldiers were ordered to go forth and defend their country. 士们被命令出发保卫自己的。

3. The explorer decided to go forth and explore the unknown territory. 这位探险家决定出发探索未知领域。

4. Let's go forth and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. 让我们一起出发,享受沿途美丽的风景。

5. Despite all the obstacles, she was determined to go forth and achieve her dreams. 尽管遇到了很多阻碍,她仍然决心继续前进,实现自己的梦想。

同义词及用法:go ahead, move forward, proceed, advance

编辑总结:go_forth是一个非常常用的动词短语,它可以用来表示继续前进或者进行某项行动。它的同义词包括go ahead, move forward, proceed和advance,但每个词都有自己的特定用法。在写作中,我们可以根据具体情况选择合适的词语来表达我们想要表达的意思。


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