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gold_color是什么意思,中文意思为金色,英文意思为golden color。音标为[ˈɡoʊld ˈkʌlər]。





1. Her dress was a beautiful gold color, shining under the sunlight. 她的裙子是一种美丽的金色,在阳光下闪闪发光。

2. The golden color of the autumn leaves made the park look like a fairyland. 秋天树叶的金黄色让公园看起来像个仙境。

3. The artist used different shades of gold color to create a sense of luxury in his painting. 艺术家在画作中使用了不同的金色调来营造奢华感。

4. The Olympic medal for first place is made of pure gold, giving it a distinctive gold color. 奥运会第一名的奖牌是纯金制成的,具有鲜明的金色。

5. I want to paint my room in a warm and cozy gold color, it will make me feel relaxed and happy. 我想把我的房间涂成温暖舒适的金色,这会让我感到放松和快乐。



1. The sunset over the ocean was a beautiful golden color, reflecting on the calm water. 海上的日落是一种美丽的金色,在平静的水面上倒影出来。

2. The golden statue of Buddha in the temple is a symbol of peace and prosperity. 庙里那尊金光闪闪的佛像是和平与繁荣的象征。

3. Her hair has a natural golden shine, it looks so healthy and beautiful. 她的头发有自然的金色光泽,看起来非常健康美丽。

4. The golden opportunity to study abroad came unexpectedly, I couldn't believe my luck. 出国留学这个绝佳机会来得出乎意料,我简直不敢相信自己的运气。

5. The golden rule of treating others as you want to be treated is important for maintaining good relationships. “己所不欲勿施于人”的黄金法则对于保持良好关系很重要。



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