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get_over是什么意思:get over这个词组有很多种含义,主要有以下几个意思:1. 克服,战胜;2. 康复,恢复健康;3. 结束,完成;4. 忘记;5. 越过,跨过。


get_over的音标:[ɡet ˈəʊvə]

怎么读(音标):发音为[ɡet ˈəʊvə]。

用法:1. get over + 名词/代词:克服/战胜某事物。:She finally got over her fear of flying.

2. get over + 动词ing形式:完成某事。:I can't believe you got over painting the entire room in just one day.

3. get over + 名词/代词 + to do sth.: 克服某事后做某事。:I can't believe she got over her illness and still managed to finish the marathon.

4. get over + 名词/代词 + with sth.: 结束某事。:We need to get this project over with before the deadline.

5. get over + 名词/代词: 忘记某事。:It took me a long time to get over my ex-boyfriend.


1. She finally got over her fear of flying.


2. I can't believe you got over painting the entire room in just one day.


3. I can't believe she got over her illness and still managed to finish the marathon.


4. We need to get this project over with before the deadline.


5. It took me a long time to get over my ex-boyfriend.


同义词及用法:1. overcome: 与get over意思相同,都是指克服或战胜某事物。:She finally overcame her fear of heights.

2. recover: 指恢复健康或康复。:It took him a few months to recover from his injury.

3. finish: 与get over意思相同,都是指完成某事。:I can't believe you finished painting the entire room in just one day.

4. forget: 指忘记某事。:It took me a long time to forget about my ex-boyfriend.


get_over这个词组有多种含义,主要包括克服、恢复健康、结束、忘记和越过等意思。发音为[ɡet ˈəʊvə],可以用于多种句式中,如get over + 名词/代词、get over + 动词ing形式、get over + 名词/代词 + to do sth.、get over + 名词/代词 + with sth.。与其意思相近的同义词有overcome、recover、finish和forget等。


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