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generation_gap是什么意思_中英文、音标、(n.) 代沟;代际差异

怎么读(音标):[ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃən ɡæp]



例句1:There is a generation gap between me and my parents, we have different opinions on almost everything. (我和我的父母之间存在代沟,我们在几乎所有事情上都有不同的看法。)

例句2:The generation gap between the older and younger employees in this company is causing some conflicts. (这家公司老员工和年轻员工之间的代沟导致了一些。)

例句3:The rapid development of technology has widened the generation gap between the older and younger generations. (技术的快速发展扩大了老一代和年轻一代之间的代沟。)

例句4:Parents should try to bridge the generation gap with their children by understanding their perspectives. (父母应该通过理解孩子们的观点来缩小与他们之间的代沟。)

例句5:There is a growing concern about the widening generation gap in our society and its impact on family relationships. (人们越来越担心社会上代沟的扩大及其对家庭关系的影响。)

同义词及用法:generation gap可以用generation difference或generational divide来替换。也可以用age gap来指年龄差异,但它更多指两个人之间的年龄差距,而不是代际差异。



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