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gate valve是一种阀门,用于流体的流动。它由一个旋转的门板和一个固定的阀座组成,通过旋转门板来流体的通断。这种阀门通常用于管道中,可以调节流量或者完全关闭流体。它也被称为闸阀。

Gate valve is a type of valve used to control the flow of fluid. It consists of a rotating gate and a fixed seat, which controls the flow by rotating the gate. This type of valve is commonly used in piping systems to regulate flow or completely shut off fluid. It is also known as a sluice valve.

发音:[ˈɡeɪt ˈvælv]



Gate valve通常用于需要频繁开关的场合,因为它可以快速打开或关闭,而且具有良好的密封性能。它也可以用于调节流量,但不适合用作流量器,在部分开启状态下会产生较大的压力损失。

Gate valves are commonly used in situations where frequent opening and closing is required, as they can be quickly opened or closed and have good sealing performance. They can also be used to regulate flow, but are not suitable for use as flow controllers as they can cause significant pressure loss when partially open.

例句1:The gate valve was installed at the main water supply line to control the flow into the building.


例句2:The gate valve needs to be fully closed before any maintenance work can be done on the pipeline.


例句3:The gate valve is designed to withstand high pressure and maintain a tight seal even under extreme conditions.


例句4:Make sure the gate valve is fully open when you want to drain the water from the tank.


例句5:The gate valve is an essential component in any plumbing system, as it allows for easy maintenance and control of water flow.



1. Sluice valve - 与gate valve相同,也是一种用于流体流动的阀门。

2. Knife gate valve - 与gate valve类似,但是门板形状呈刀片状,适用于处理粘稠液体或固体颗粒的场合。

3. Globe valve - 也是一种常用的阀门类型,通过上下移动的圆盘来流量。

4. Ball valve - 由一个旋转球体来流量的阀门,比闸阀更适合用作流量器。

5. Check valve - 一种单向阀门,只允许流体在一个方向通过,常用于防止倒流。


Gate valve是一种常见的阀门类型,具有快速开关和良好的密封性能的特点。它在管道中起着重要作用,可以流量或者完全关闭流体。除了以上提到的同义词外,还有许多其他类型的阀门,每种都有其独特的用途和特点。因此,在选择适合自己需求的阀门时,需要根据具体情况来确定最合适的类型。


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