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FMC Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:FTI) is a leading global provider of technology solutions for the energy industry. The company specializes in subsea systems and equipment, surface wellhead systems, and fluid control products for oil and gas production.


怎么读(音标):FMC Technologies, Inc. [ɛf ɛm siː tɛkˈnɒlədʒiz ɪnk]

用法:FMC Technologies, Inc.通常作为一个整体名称使用,也可以简称为FMC或FTI。


1. FMC Technologies, Inc. is committed to providing innovative solutions for the energy industry. (FMC Technologies, Inc.致力于为能源行业提供创新解决方案。)

2. The new subsea system developed by FMC Technologies, Inc. has greatly improved the efficiency of offshore oil production. (FMC Technologies, Inc.开发的新型海底极大地提高了海上油田的生产效率。)

3. As a leading global provider of technology solutions, FMC Technologies, Inc. has a strong presence in major oil-producing regions around the world. (作为领先的全球技术解决方案提供商,FMC Technologies, Inc.在世界各地主要的石油生产地区都有强大的存在。)

4. FMC Technologies, Inc.'s surface wellhead systems are designed to withstand harsh environments and ensure safe and reliable operations for oil and gas wells. (FMC Technologies, Inc.的地面井口旨在抵御恶劣的环境,确保油气井的安全可靠运行。)

5. The fluid control products manufactured by FMC Technologies, Inc. are widely used in the oil and gas industry for their high quality and performance. (FMC Technologies, Inc.生产的流体产品因其高质量和性能在石油和天然气行业广泛使用。)

同义词及用法:FMC Technologies, Inc.可以被替换为FMC Corporation或FMC Energy Systems,但这两个名称已经不再使用。

编辑总结:作为一家领先的全球能源解决方案提供商,FMC Technologies, Inc.通过其创新的技术和产品帮助石油和天然气行业提高效率、降低成本并确保安全可靠的运营。该公司在世界各地都有强大的存在,并持续致力于推动能源行业的发展。


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