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怎么读(音标):[fɔːlt ˈtɒlərəns]



例句1:The fault tolerance of this computer system is very high, which ensures that it can continue running even if some components fail.(这个计算机具有很高的容错能力,即使某些组件出现故障也可以继续运行。)

例句2:The network switch has a built-in fault tolerance mechanism, which can automatically switch to backup components when a failure occurs.(网络交换机内置了容错机制,当发生故障时可以自动切换到备用组件。)

例句3:The company's new server has a fault tolerance rate of 99%, which greatly reduces the risk of system downtime.(公司新购置的服务器具有99%的容错率,大大降低了停机的风险。)

例句4:The engineers are working on improving the fault tolerance of the software, in order to provide a more stable and reliable user experience.(工程师们正在努力提高软件的容错能力,以提供更稳定可靠的用户体验。)

例句5:In order to ensure the safety and reliability of the power grid, the electricity company has implemented a fault tolerance strategy to minimize the impact of equipment failures.(为了保障电网的安全可靠,电力公司实施了容错策略,以最大程度减少设备故障带来的影响。)

同义词及用法:fault tolerance的同义词包括error tolerance、failure tolerance等,它们都指或者设备具有容忍错误的能力。在实际应用中,可以根据具体情况选择合适的词语来描述或者设备的容错能力。



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