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eventful是一个形容词,意思是充满的,充满活动的。它的音标是 /ɪˈventfəl/。




1. 作为形容词,eventful可以用来描述某个时间段或者经历中发生了很多重要或者有趣的事情。:


- The past year has been quite eventful for our company, with many new product launches and major partnerships. (过去一年对我们公司来说非常充实,有很多新产品推出和重大合作。)

- My trip to Europe was very eventful, with lots of unexpected adventures and cultural experiences. (我去欧洲旅行非常有意思,经历了很多意想不到的冒险和文化体验。)

2. 也可以用来描述某个或者活动本身具有重要性或者影响力。:

- The concert was an eventful evening, with a surprise appearance from a famous singer and a spectacular light show. (这场音乐会是一个令人难忘的夜晚,有一位著名歌手的惊喜登场和壮观的灯光秀。)

- The conference was an eventful gathering of industry leaders, with insightful discussions and groundbreaking announcements. (这次是业界们一起聚集的重要活动,有深刻的讨论和开创性的宣布。)


1. The year 2020 has been an eventful one, with the COVID-19 pandemic, political upheavals, and natural disasters happening all over the world. (2020年是一个充满的一年,全球发生了肺炎、动荡和自然灾害。)

2. The football game was very eventful, with both teams scoring multiple goals and a controversial penalty kick in the last minute. (这场足球比赛非常精彩,两支球队都进了多个球,最后一分钟还有一个有争议的点球。)

3. The book tells the eventful story of a young girl's journey to find her true identity and purpose in life. (这本书讲述了一个年轻女孩寻找真正身份和人生目标的充满故事情节的故事。)

4. The history of this city is very eventful, with wars, revolutions, and cultural transformations shaping its development over the centuries. (这座城市的历史非常丰富多彩,几个世纪以来,战争、和文化变革塑造了它的发展。)

5. The wedding was an eventful occasion, with heartfelt vows, emotional speeches, and a surprise performance by the newlyweds themselves. (这场婚礼是一个令人难忘的场合,有真挚的誓言、感人的演讲,还有新婚夫妇自己的惊喜表演。)


1. exciting:意为“令人兴奋的”,可以用来描述或者经历具有刺激性和吸引力。:The trip to the amusement park was very exciting, with thrilling rides and fun games. (去游乐园玩非常刺激,有惊险的游乐设施和有趣的游戏。)

2. event-filled:意为“充满的”,与eventful意思相同,可以互换使用。:The festival was an event-filled week, with concerts, workshops, and cultural performances every day. (这个节日是一个充满的一周,每天都有音乐会、研讨会和文化表演。)

3. momentous:意为“重要的,重大的”,可以用来形容某个或者时刻具有重要性和影响力。:The signing of the peace treaty was a momentous occasion for the two countries, putting an end to years of conflict. (签署和平条约是两国关系中一个重大时刻,结束了多年的。)




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