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etang是一个汉语词语,拼音为"é tāng",意思是指一种鱼类。它也可以指代一种湖泊或水域。

etang is a Chinese word, pronounced as "é tāng", which means a type of fish. It can also refer to a lake or body of water.


读作"é tāng",其中的"é"发音类似于英语中的"e",而"tāng"发音则类似于英语中的"tang"。


Pronounced as "é tāng", with the "é" sounding similar to the "e" in English, and "tāng" sounding similar to the "tang".



As a noun, etang is commonly used to refer to a type of fish or body of water. It can be used to describe a specific type of fish in a certain location, or to refer to a group of fish in a lake or body of water.


1. 这条河里有很多不同种类的鱼,包括我最喜欢的etang。

There are many different types of fish in this river, including my favorite etang.

2. 这个地区以其独特的etang而闻名。

This region is known for its unique etang.

3. 我们在这个湖里钓到了很多etang。

We caught a lot of etang while fishing in this lake.

4. 这种etang的肉非常美味,你一定要尝试一下。

The meat of this type of etang is delicious, you must try it.

5. 我们计划去那个etang最多的湖泊钓鱼。

We are planning to go fishing in the lake with the most etang.


1. 鲤鱼 (lǐ yú) - 指一种常见的淡水鱼类,也可以用来泛指任何淡水鱼类。

Carp - refers to a common type of freshwater fish, can also be used to refer to any freshwater fish.

2. 湖 (hú) - 指一个较大的水域,通常是由自然形成的。

Lake - refers to a larger body of water, usually formed naturally.

3. 水域 (shuǐ yù) - 泛指任何水体,包括湖泊、河流、海洋等。

Body of water - refers to any body of water, including lakes, rivers, oceans, etc.


etang是一个汉语词语,意思是指一种鱼类或水域。它可以用来描述特定地点的鱼类,也可以指代某个湖泊或水域。发音为"é tāng",常与同义词鲤鱼、湖和水域一起使用。希望本文能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个词语。


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