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怎么读(音标):dully [ˈdʌli]



1. His eyes were dully staring at the computer screen, showing no interest in the presentation. (他的眼睛呆呆地盯着电脑屏幕,对演示毫无兴趣。)

2. The teacher's lecture was delivered in a dully monotonous tone, making it hard for the students to stay awake. (老师的讲座以枯燥单调的语调传达出来,让学生们很难保持清醒。)

3. The once colorful painting has now faded and become dully grey. (曾经色彩缤纷的画作现在已经褪色变得暗淡无光。)

4. He dully accepted his fate and resigned himself to a life of poverty. (他黯然接受了自己的命运,并将自己置身于贫穷之中。)

5. The party was a dully dull affair, with no exciting activities or lively conversations. (这场聚会枯燥无味,没有令人兴奋的活动或热闹的对话。)


1. Boring: 与dully意思相近,表示无聊、乏味的状态。

例句:The movie was so boring that I fell asleep halfway through. (这部电影太无聊了,我看了一半就睡着了。)

2. Monotonous: 与dully意思相近,表示单调、枯燥的状态。

例句:The speaker's monotonous voice almost put me to sleep. (演讲者单调的声音差点让我睡着了。)

3. Lifeless: 与dully意思相近,表示缺乏生气或活力。

例句:The party was lifeless without any music or dancing. (没有音乐和舞蹈的派对毫无生气。)

4. Tedious: 与dully意思相近,表示冗长、乏味的状态。

例句:The project was so tedious that I lost interest in it after a few days. (这个项目太冗长了,几天后我就失去了兴趣。)

5. Lackluster: 与dully意思相近,表示缺少光泽或活力。

例句:Her performance on stage was lackluster and failed to impress the audience. (她在舞台上的表现毫无亮点,没能给观众留下深刻印象。)



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