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dogs_of_war是一个英语词组,意思是指“战争中的犬”,也可以指代“战争中的士”。该词组由两部分组成,第一部分是“dogs”(狗)这个动物的复数形式,第二部分是“of war”(战争中)这个短语。


音标:[dɒɡz əv wɔː]

怎么读(音标):发音为[dɒɡz əv wɔː],其中的"o"发音为[ɒ],"a"发音为[ə],"w"发音为[w]。



1. The dogs of war have been unleashed, and it's up to us to s them. (战争之犬已经被释放出来了,我们必须阻止它们。)

2. In ancient times, dogs of war were used as fierce and loyal companions in battle. (在古代,战争中的犬被用作凶悍而忠诚的战友。)

3. The soldiers were referred to as the dogs of war for their fierce determination and loyalty to their country. (士们因为他们的坚定决心和对的忠诚被称为战争中的士。)

4. These brave dogs of war have been trained to sniff out explosives and protect their handlers on the battlefield. (这些勇敢的战争犬被训练出来嗅探爆炸物并保护它们在战场上的处理人员。)

5. The phrase "dogs of war" is often used in literature and media to depict the brutality and chaos of war. (“战争中的犬”这个词组经常被用于文学作品和媒体中,来描绘战争的残酷和混乱。)

同义词及用法:dogs_of_war与war dogs(犬)、battle dogs(战斗犬)是近义词,可以互换使用。另外,也可以使用warriors(战士)或soldiers(士)来指代“战争中的人”。:

1. The warriors fought bravely alongside their trusty war dogs. (这些勇敢的战士与他们可靠的犬一起作战。)

2. The soldiers relied on their battle dogs to protect them in the midst of chaos. (在混乱之中,士们依靠他们的战斗犬来保护自己。)

编辑总结:dogs_of_war是一个形象生动的英语词组,可以指代真正的犬,也可以比喻为勇敢、无畏、忠诚的士。它在文学作品和媒体中经常被使用,用来描绘战争的残酷和混乱。同义词包括war dogs、battle dogs、warriors和soldiers。


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