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+ 中文:丢脸的,受辱的,失宠的

++ 英文:disgraced


+ 音标:[dɪsˈɡreɪst]


+ 用法:形容词,常用于描述人或事物受到耻辱或丢脸的情况。


+ 例句1-5句且中英对照:

+ 1. His behavior at the party was disgraceful. (他在派对上的行为令人感到耻辱。)

+ 2. The company's reputation was disgraced by the scandal. (公司因丑闻而声誉扫地。)

+ 3. He was deeply disgraced when he was caught cheating on the exam. (当他被在考试作弊时,他感到非常丢脸。)

+ 4. The politician's affair caused him to be disgraced in front of the public. (政客的丑闻使他在公众面前失去了名誉。)

+ 5. The team's defeat in the championship game was a disgrace to their fans. (球队在总决赛中的失败令球迷感到羞愧。)


+ 同义词及用法:

++ humiliated: 被羞辱的,受屈辱的

++ dishonored: 受辱的,失宠的

++ shamed: 受耻辱的,感到羞愧的


+ 编辑总结:

+ disgraced是一个形容词,用于描述人或事物受到耻辱或丢脸的情况。它可以用来形容个人、团体、公司等。在使用时需要注意语境,避免造成不必要的误解。


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