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Defragmentation refers to the process of rearranging and organizing data on a computer's hard drive in order to improve data access speed and optimize storage space utilization. It is an important maintenance task for computers and is also known as disk defragmentation.






Defragmentation can be performed using built-in tools in the operating system or third-party software. After performing a large number of file operations, especially deleting or moving files, fragmentation may occur on the hard drive, causing data to be scattered and access speed to decrease. By defragmenting, these fragments can be consolidated, allowing data to be stored continuously on the hard drive and improving read speed.


1. Performing regular defragmentation can improve the overall performance of your computer. (进行定期的碎片整理可以提高计算机的整体性能。)

2. The defragmentation process may take a while depending on the size of your hard drive and the amount of fragmentation. (碎片整理的过程可能会花费一些时间,这取决于你的硬盘大小和碎片数量。)

3. Some operating systems have automatic defragmentation features that run in the background to keep your hard drive organized. (一些操作具有自动碎片整理功能,它们会在运行,保持你的硬盘有序。)

4. It is recommended to defragment your hard drive at least once a month to maintain its performance. (建议每月至少进行一次硬盘碎片整理,以保持其性能。)

5. After defragmentation, you may notice a significant improvement in the speed of opening and accessing files on your computer. (在进行了碎片整理后,你可能会注意到计算机打开和访问文件的速度有了显著提高。)


1. Disk defragmentation: 与defragmentation意思相同,是其更正式的说法。

2. Hard drive optimization: 与defragmentation意思相同,指对硬盘上数据进行优化和重排。

3. Disk cleanup: 与defragmentation类似,指对硬盘上无用或垃圾文件进行清除和整理。

4. File organization: 与defragmentation类似,指对文件进行整理和组织,使其更容易访问。

5. Data consolidation: 与defragmentation类似,指对数据进行整合和合并,以提高存储效率。


Defragmentation是对计算机硬盘上的数据进行重新排列和整理的过程,以提高数据读取速度和存储空间利用率。它可以通过操作自带的工具或第三方软件来进行,并建议每月至少进行一次。通过defragmentation,可以将碎片整合到一起,使得数据在硬盘上连续存储,并提高读取速度。与defragmentation意思相同的词还有disk defragmentation、hard drive optimization等。


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