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1. 作名词时,curse可以表示诅咒、咒骂或祸害。:

- The witch put a curse on the prince, turning him into a frog.


- He was so angry that he let out a curse.


2. 作动词时,curse可以表示诅咒、嘲弄或抱怨。:

- The old woman cursed the villagers for their greed.


- He cursed himself for not studying harder.


3. curse还可以表示痛苦、不幸或困扰。:

- The country has been cursed by years of war.


- She felt cursed with bad luck, as everything seemed to go wrong for her.


4. 在口语中,curse还可以作为强调语气词使用,表示愤怒、惊讶或悲伤。:

- Oh, curse this rain! I just washed my car.


- Curse it, I forgot my wallet at home!



1. The old woman put a curse on the village, causing a drought that lasted for months.


2. He was so angry that he couldn't help but curse at the driver who cut him off in traffic.


3. The family believed that they were cursed because every generation had a member who died young.


4. The little boy was scared of the witch's curse and refused to go near her house.


5. The villagers were afraid of the old man, believing that he could curse them with his evil eye.



1. swear:表示发誓或咒骂,常与at连用。:

- He swore at the referee for not giving his team a penalty.


2. hex:表示施加魔法或诅咒,常用于幽默或夸张语境中。:

- She thought her ex-boyfriend had put a hex on her, as she seemed to have bad luck in love.


3. jinx:表示带来厄运或不幸,常用于运气不好的情况下。:

- Every time she wore that necklace, something bad happened. It must be jinxed.





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