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1. come_on作为动词时,意为“前进”、“进展”,也可以表示“开始做某事”。:

- Come on, let's go to the party together.(来吧,我们一起去参加派对吧。)


- The project is coming on well.(这个项目进展顺利。)

2. come_on作为名词时,意为“鼓励”、“挑战”,也可以表示“引诱”。:

- The coach gave us a come on before the game.(教练在比赛前给我们鼓励。)

- The company offered a big bonus as a come-on for new employees.(公司给新员工提供了丰厚的奖金作为吸引。)


come_on的音标为/kʌm ɒn/。


1. 作为动词使用时,come_on通常与together连用,表示“一起做某事”。:

- Let's come on together and finish this task.(让我们一起加油,完成这项任务。)

2. 作为名词使用时,come_on可以表示鼓励、挑战或引诱,常与动词give连用。:

- The teacher gave the students a come-on to participate in the competition.(老师给学生们一个参加比赛的鼓励。)

- The company used a big bonus as a come-on to attract new employees.(公司用丰厚的奖金来吸引新员工。)


1. Come on, don't be afraid, I'll be with you all the way.(来吧,不要害怕,我会一直陪着你。)

2. The concert is about to start, come on, let's hurry up and find our seats.(音乐会快要开始了,快点儿,我们赶紧找座位吧。)

3. The team captain gave us a come-on before the game, which boosted our morale.(队长在比赛前给我们鼓励,这提高了我们的士气。)

4. She used her charm as a come-on to get what she wanted from him.(她利用自己的魅力来引诱他给她想要的东西。)

5. The company offered a big bonus as a come-on for new employees, which attracted many talented people to join them.(公司给新员工提供了丰厚的奖金作为吸引,这吸引了许多有才华的人加入他们。)


1. cheer up:表示“振作起来”、“加油”、“鼓励”。:Cheer up, you can do it!(振作起来,你能做到的!)

2. come along:表示“快点儿”、“赶紧”。:Come along, we're going to be late for the movie.(快点儿,我们要迟到电影了。)

3. hurry up:表示“快点儿”、“赶紧”。:Hurry up, we're going to miss the train.(快点儿,我们要赶不上火车了。)

4. go for it:表示“全力以赴”、“加油”。:Go for it, you can win this game!(全力以赴,你能赢这场比赛!)


come_on是一个常用的英语短语,可以作为动词或者名词使用。作为动词时,意为“前进”、“进展”,也可以表示“开始做某事”,通常与together连用;作为名词时,意为“鼓励”、“挑战”或者“引诱”,常与动词give连用。除了以上介绍的同义词外,还有一些类似意思的短语如give it your best shot、do your best等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用come_on这个短语。


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