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cleansing_cream is a type of facial cleanser, also known as a cleansing milk or makeup remover. It is a cosmetic product used to clean the skin, usually in the form of a lotion or gel. Its main function is to remove dirt, oil, and leftover makeup from the face and eyes, leaving the skin clean, soft, and moisturized.


怎么读(音标):[ˈklɛnzɪŋ krim]


例句1:I always use a cleansing cream to remove my makeup before going to bed.(我每天晚上睡觉前都会使用cleansing_cream卸妆。)

例句2:She has sensitive skin and can only use gentle cleansing creams.(她的皮肤敏感,只能使用温和的cleansing_cream。)

例句3:After using a cleansing cream, my skin feels so clean and refreshed.(使用cleansing_cream后,我的皮肤感觉非常干净和清爽。)

例句4:The cleansing cream has a light and creamy texture that is easy to apply.(这款cleansing_cream具有轻盈的乳霜质地,很容易涂抹。)

例句5:Some cleansing creams also have moisturizing ingredients to hydrate the skin while cleaning it.(一些cleansing_cream还含有保湿成分,在清洁肌肤的同时也能滋润肌肤。)

同义词及用法:cleansing milk、makeup remover、facial cleanser



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