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Civil war refers to an armed conflict within a country, usually caused by political, economic or social issues. In this conflict, both sides are citizens of the same country, but have different political beliefs, religious beliefs or racial differences.

音标:[ˈsɪvəl wɔr]

怎么读(音标):siv-uhl wawr



Civil_war is usually used as a noun to describe an armed conflict that occurs within a country. It can also refer to specific wars that have occurred in history, such as the American Civil War.


1. The country was torn apart by a brutal civil war that lasted for years. 这个被一场持续多年的残酷内战撕裂。

2. The civil war in Syria has caused immense suffering for its people. 叙利亚内战给其人民带来了巨大的苦难。

3. The civil war between the North and South resulted in a high number of casualties. 北方和南方之间的内战造成了大量伤亡。

4. The civil war was finally brought to an end with the signing of a peace treaty. 通过签署和平条约,内战最终得以结束。

5. The country is still struggling to recover from the devastating effects of the civil war. 这个仍在努力从内战的毁灭性影响中恢复过来。

同义词及用法:内战(n.)war within a country,国内(n.)domestic conflict,武装(n.)armed conflict



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