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意思:n. 职业,使命,召唤



英文:noun, refers to a profession that a person engages in or something that is considered to be one's duty.




1. "calling"可以用来指一个人的职业或者使命,也可以指某件事情被认为是某人应该做的事情。:

- She followed her calling and became a doctor. (她追随自己的使命成为了一名医生。)

- He felt a strong calling to become a teacher. (他感受到了成为一名教师的强烈召唤。)

- It is my calling to help those in need. (帮助那些需要帮助的人是我的使命。)

2. "calling"也可以用来指某种特定类型的工作或者职业领域。:

- Teaching is not just a job for her, it's her calling. (教学不仅仅是她的工作,也是她的职业领域。)

- He found his true calling as an artist. (他自己真正的天赋在于艺术家这个职业。)

3. "calling"还可以表示某种内在的强烈愿望或者使命感。:

- She felt a calling to travel the world and help those in need. (她感受到了环游世界和帮助那些需要帮助的人的内在召唤。)

- He answered the calling to serve his country and joined the military. (他响应了为服务的召唤,加入了。)


1. Her calling in life was to be a writer, and she pursued it with passion and determination. (她生活中的使命是成为一名作家,她充满激情和决心地追求着这个目标。)

2. The priest felt a strong calling to help the poor and disadvantaged in his community. (牧师感受到了帮助社区中的穷人和弱势群体的强烈召唤。)

3. Many people believe that teaching is more than just a job, it is a noble calling. (许多人认为教学不仅仅是一份工作,更是一种高尚的使命。)

4. After years of working as an accountant, he finally found his true calling as a chef and opened his own restaurant. (在做会计多年之后,他终于自己真正的天赋在于厨师这个职业,并开了自己的餐厅。)

5. The young woman felt a strong calling to become a doctor and help those in need, so she worked hard to get into medical school. (这位年轻女子感受到了成为一名医生和帮助那些需要帮助的人的强烈召唤,因此她努力考上了医学院。)


1. vocation: n. 职业,使命,天职

- Teaching is her vocation, she loves working with children. (教学是她的职业,她喜欢和孩子们一起工作。)

- He always knew that being a firefighter was his true vocation. (他一直知道成为一名消防员是他真正的天职。)

2. profession: n. 职业,专业

- She chose law as her profession and became a successful lawyer. (她选择了法律作为自己的职业,并成为一名成功的律师。)

- Many people are drawn to the medical profession because of their desire to help others. (许多人因为想要帮助他人而被吸引到医疗专业。)

3. duty: n. 义务,责任

- It is our duty to take care of our elders and make sure they are well taken care of in their old age. (照顾我们的长辈并确保他们在老年时得到良好照顾是我们的责任。)

- As citizens, it's our duty to vote in elections and have our voices heard. (作为公民,投票和让我们的声音被听到是我们的责任。)




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