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音标:[briːð əˈɡen]

怎么读:breathe_again的正确发音为/briːð əˈɡen/,其中重音在第一个音节上。



1. After the long and tiring hike, he finally reached the of the mountain and could breathe again.(经过漫长而劳累的徒步旅行,他终于到达了山顶,可以再次呼吸了。)

2. The team had been struggling for months, but with the new coach, they were able to breathe again and win the championship.(团队已经苦苦挣扎了几个月,但有了新教练后,他们又重新获得了力量,并赢得了冠。)

3. The patient was in critical condition, but thanks to the doctor's efforts, he was able to breathe again on his own.(病人病情危急,但多亏了医生的努力,他最终能够自己呼吸了。)

4. After the breakup, she thought she would never be able to love again, but with time, she learned to breathe again and find happiness.(分手后,她以为自己永远不会再爱上任何人,但随着时间的流逝,她学会了重新恢复生活,并找到了幸福。)

5. The city was heavily polluted, but after implementing stricter environmental policies, the citizens could finally breathe again.(这座城市污染严重,但在实施更严格的环保后,市民终于可以再次呼吸新鲜空气。)

同义词及用法:breathe_again的同义词包括recover、revive、regain strength等。它们都可以表示重新获得某种状态或情绪。

编辑总结:breathe_again是一个常用的短语,它可以表示一个人在经历困难或挑战后重新恢复生机和力量。它的正确发音为/briːð əˈɡen/,通常作为及物动词使用。除了表示重新开始呼吸外,它还可以比喻为某种状态或情绪的恢复。与其同义词相比,breathe_again更加形象生动地表达了重新获得力量和活力的意思。


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