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blindfolded是一个形容词,意思是用布蒙住眼睛的,也可以指盲目的、缺乏判断力的。在英文中,它的音标为 [ˈblaɪndfoʊldɪd]。




例句1:She was led into the room, blindfolded and disoriented.(她被带进房间,被蒙上眼睛感到迷失方向。)

例句2:The participants were blindfolded and asked to find their way out of the maze.(参与者被蒙上眼睛,要求他们从迷宫中找到出口。)

例句3:He made a blindfolded decision without thinking about the consequences.(他盲目决定,没有考虑后果。)

例句4:The blindfolded children played a game of pin the tail on the donkey.(被蒙住眼睛的孩子们玩了一个把尾巴固定在驴身上的游戏。)

例句5:He walked through the dark forest, blindfolded, relying only on his other senses to guide him.(他被蒙住眼睛走过黑暗的森林,只能依靠其他感官来引导他。)

同义词及用法:blindfolded的同义词包括:blind, sightless, unaware, unconscious。它们都可以表示盲目、缺乏判断力或者没有意识到的状态。:

- blind: She was blind to the truth and refused to believe it.(她对视而不见,拒绝相信。)

- sightless: The old man was sightless but he could still navigate his way around the house.(老人看不见了,但他仍然能在房子里找到路。)

- unaware: He was unaware of the danger lurking behind him.(他没有意识到身后潜伏着的危险。)

- unconscious: She was unconscious of her surroundings and didn't notice the changes.(她没有意识到周围的变化。)



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