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blench是一个动词,意为“畏缩,退缩”,也可以作名词,表示“畏缩,惊恐”。其英文释义为to shrink or draw back, as in fear or alarm; to make flinch or grow pale.





1. blench作动词时,常用于表示因害怕、惊讶或厌恶而退缩或畏缩的情况。:

- She blenched at the sight of the spider on the wall. (她看到墙上的蜘蛛吓得退缩了。)

- He didn't even blench when he saw the g. (他看到鬼魂也没有退缩。)

2. blench还可以指因害怕而变得苍白无力。:

- She blenched at the thought of having to give a speech in front of a large audience. (一想到要在大庭广众下演讲,她就变得苍白无力。)

3. 作名词时,blench常用于表示害怕或惊恐的表情。:

- The little girl's face showed a look of blench when she saw the clown's makeup. (小女孩看到小丑化妆后脸上露出了惊恐的表情。)


1. She couldn't help but blench when she saw the snake slithering across the path. (当她看到蛇在小路上蜿蜒爬行时,她不由自主地退缩了。)

2. The actor didn't even blench when the fake blood splattered all over his face during the horror movie scene. (在恐怖电影场景中,假血溅到他脸上时,演员甚至都没有退缩。)

3. The little boy's face blenched with fear as he saw the roller coaster climb to its highest point before plunging down. (当小男孩看到过山车爬到最高点后再一头扎下去时,他的脸上露出了惊恐的表情。)

4. The thought of having to give a presentation in front of her colleagues made her blench with anxiety. (一想到要在同事面前做报告,她就变得焦虑起来。)

5. The audience couldn't help but blench as they watched the acrobat perform daring stunts high above the ground. (观众看着杂技演员在高空表演大胆的特技时,不由自主地退缩了。)


1. flinch:意为“畏缩,退缩”,常用于指因害怕、疼痛或厌恶而退缩。与blench的区别在于,flinch更强调因外界刺激而产生的反应,而blench则更强调内心的恐惧或惊恐。

- She flinched at the sound of the gunshot. (响起时她退缩了。)

- He flinched when the doctor touched his wound. (医生碰到他的伤口时,他畏缩了。)

2. recoil:意为“退缩,后退”,常用于指因害怕、厌恶或反感而退缩。与blench的区别在于,recoil更强调身体上的后退动作。

- The dog recoiled when the stranger reached out to pet it. (陌生人伸手要摸它时,狗狗后退了。)

- She recoiled at the thought of eating snails. (一想到要吃蜗牛,她就觉得恶心。)




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